Group Wild Dips

On this unique wild swimming adventure you will walk stretches of Pembrokeshire's world-famous coastal paths before enjoying a dip in its wild waters.

Be prepared to immerse yourself in the joy and thrill of wild swimming whilst also having the option to challenge your limits in a supportive environment by venturing in with just a swimsuit and in all weathers.

The benefits of cold water dipping for mental health benefits and resilience has been found time after time in current research. So this session allows us to show students the benefits of cold water exposure, as well as unravelling current research and the importance of mental health

Frequently Asked Questions

What is wild swimming?

Wild swimming, also known as open water swimming, is swimming / dipping in any natural bodies of water - whether it be a lake, pond, river, or the ocean.

How long is a wild swimming session?

The sessions are 3 hours long from start to finish. This includes the time spent doing a safety briefing and getting kitted up and down. You can expect to be walking and swimming for around 1.5 to 2 hours.

What do I need to bring?

Walking shoes, boots or trainers with a good grip

Waterproof clothing

Sunscreen, sunglasses, sun hat.

Tow float



Walking poles if appropriate

Your favourite snack and hot drink

What if I can't swim?

We run these sessions at a small ratio of 8 participants to one guide. All of our guides are trained lifeguards and prior to your lesson you will be given beach safety advice that will keep you safe. In terms of swimming ability, we require you to be able to tread water . You will never be pressured to go out of your depth or beyond your comfort zone on these swims.

How fit do I need to be?

Only you can assess your fitness, but here’s what to expect! Walks will largely be on coast path terrain, with a maximum distance of 3 miles, at a gentle pace with plenty of time to rest and take in the views. In true Bluetit fashion, no one will ever be left behind or made to speed up. This is about enjoying yourselves!

Water-wise, in early spring the sea temperature can dip as low as 6 degrees, so please bear this in mind!

How many people will I be with?

We run these sessions at a small ratio of 8 participants to one guide. All of our guides are trained lifeguards and prior to your lesson you will be given beach safety advice that will keep you safe.